Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Undated entry - early 2004...

Why does this pen move without my command? The ink continues to form letters and words despite my attempts to stop it. I'm tired, exhausted from asking the why's; that is all this pen does. It taunts me during my weakest moments. Daring me to further my confusions by asking questions for which there are no answers. The only answers have gone to the grave and aren't coming back. Do I subconsciously wish my words would raise from this page and make their way to the unknown? Into the heavens where an answer may be born. I don't think so, but I don't really know much of anything these days. Only what I'm told to do by holding this pen in such rhythmic fashion. It is my release. My deepest, darkest fears come to life in a way to assure those weaker hearts out there. But it's true, sometimes my pen moves without a conscious effort. Enthralled by the yellows and golds filling the evening sky and the music pulsating my ears. I have to stop and look at what words I have formed and look for some meaning within them. Maybe something great will one day drop from my mind into this ink. I could then say my purpose here has been fulfilled.

All I want to do in this twisted world is remind people it really isn't endless. How did I become what I have become? I've tried to follow the path of honesty and integrity only to be thrown off course time and time again by fallen trees and piled rocks. And time after time I've hurdled those fallen trees and climbed those rock piles until my fingers have bled. Always thinking something greater awaits me beyond the present inconvenience only to find there's nothing there. Greatness has overlooked my soul and moved onto someone less deserving.

This feeling in my chest becomes more apparent. The voice in the back of my mind becomes clearer. Holding back what needs to be said becomes harder and harder. But the knowledge that those words will ultimately be misunderstood is more overwhelming than knowing the silence may be fatal. What do I do? Do I remain silent and watch who I respect be torn down violently from the very pedestal they've placed themselves upon? Or do I risk everything in a fruitless attempt to save them from themselves? It's one of those things that cannot be answered and the risk can only produce a product of emotion. I've seen the powerful and I've seen the weak; neither has anything over the other. Each has their own that needs to be protected. 

But how do I get others to see this. To see what I in my young life have already experienced. I'm young and not like my young friends. Inside I feel old, older than I should ever feel. How with time and experience can I ever feel older than this. It can't be possible. I don't know how to make it stop. The words fly through my head like the matter that hurls through space with no exact direction, location, or plan. Just there, bumping and crashing into nothingness. I will never be understood. I am a fish swimming upstream in a river all my own. The current forever fighting against me. Like the world forever fighting against itself.  It's a carousel going round and round. No beginning, no end. The seats rise and fall almost poetically to the rhythm of the world. Only one thing can permanently stop the motion, lack of power. The power stops and the momentum slows for once the world defies the laws of physics. The very balance of the universe is thrown off beyond repair. Before we know it the sun and moon collide. The planets bounce ferociously off the magnetic fields of others. The end result is utter chaos.

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